Frequently asked questions

+ Who is Earthica?

Earthica is a social enterprise that specializes in quality Fair Trade products, ethically crafted by women. Every purchase through Earthica creates meaningful change for the artisans, their families and their communities.

You can find out more by reading Our Story.

+ What sort of impact does Earthica and those who buy our products have?

Through Earthica your simple act of purchasing means more. The income that the artisans receives will help them to do things which you might take for granted but which for a poor woman living in Peru might otherwise be a dream. With the income earnt from Earthica sales some of our women have been able to feed their children more nutritious food, sent their children to school, been able to pay for medicines Together we also** impact **the wider community.

+ You use the term Fair Trade a lot. What do you mean by that?

We are committed to upholding the 10 principles of Fair Trade.

**Principle One**: Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers

**Principle Two**: Transparency and Accountability

**Principle Three**: Fair Trading Practices

**Principle Four**: Payment of a Fair Price

**Principle Five**: Ensuring no Child Labour and Forced Labour

**Principle Six**: Commitment to Non Discrimination, Gender Equity, and Freedom of Association

**Principle Seven**: Ensuring Good Working Conditions

**Principle Eight**: Providing Capacity Building

**Principle Nine**: Promoting Fair Trade

**Principle Ten**: Respect for the Environment

You can learn more by reading about Our Commitment to Fair Trade.

+ Are you non-profit?

We are a social enterprise so we may make profits. When we do we will reinvest into the villages where our artisans live and work to build sustainable businesses and strong communities.


+ How soon will orders be sent?

All products ship from our office in North Sydney, NSW, Australia. We do not ship on weekends, but we will get your order out the door as soon as we can. Orders shipped within Australia typically arrive within 3-8 business days. We do ship internationally, however, you will need to contact us for a quote.

+ Can I pick up my order instead of paying for shipping?

Yes! Be sure to use the option - "In-store Pick-up (North Sydney)" during check-out so you're not charged for shipping. You will also need to contact us so we can find a mutually agreeable time as ethica is not open to the general public.

+ Are the products in stock and ready to ship?

We endeavor to keep our website “live” so all the products should be available ready to ship immediately. However if for some reason your product is not available we will contact you with some options.

+ After sizing information?

Click here for adult sizing chart.

Click here for baby sizing chart.


+ Lots of your products are made from alpaca, what is so special about alpaca?

The new kid in the block. In Inca times Alpaca was considered “fiber of the gods” and rightly so. Alpaca is softer, stronger and warmer than merino wool and cashmere. It is famous for its luxuriousness and softness- it doesn’t prickle the skin. And best of all it doesn’t contain lanolin and therefore is hypoallergenic.

Read more about the extraordinary benefits of alpaca here.

+ How do I care for and wash my alpaca product?

Alpaca is so easy to care for. Just place in a tub or sink of COLD water. Use a mild detergent to gently soak the garment.

There is no need to rub, scrub or twist just gently squeeze the suds through. Then rinse in cold water and place flat on a towel to dry. If you want to speed up the drying lay the garment between two towels, roll up the towels and set it aside for a few minutes.

Read more about the extraordinary benefits of alpaca here.